Sunday, November 28, 2010

My Story in Europe Trip 2

Preparation: To choose the ways and to reformulate your plan

To work out your plan is not an easy thing. I’m waiting my two friends for a while for we have very good friendship, and we wanna have a trip together , you know the Europe trip is our dream. In our imagination, three girls, the trip is romantic. We divided the work for everyone. So when I got the message that they had not got the visa, I attended the tourgroup accidently which could save money and reduce riskes.

The tourgroup at home have many advantages, such as the low costs and little works, and my friend would give me lower price compared to abroad group. I felt a little pity for the former one pay more attention to shopping while the later one overweight the culture trip more. Moreover , they are cheaper than by yourself.

I attended the CONTIKI , the UK group. The members’ age covers from 18 to 25 years old. They are all vitality. Every days’ plan are full, which need high ability of body and mind. It is really hard to pk them who eat beaf and lambs. I am worried about my English….wow , I’m out. I wanna go into the “sea”….
In my free time., I’ve made plan to learn English and study the different customs as well as get along with strangers…before left, I ‘ve spent 6 hours to learn French by French teacher….

To book the tickets of plane and prepare the luggages as many others. The only different thing is that I bought a MOLESKINE notebook to write my trip story and prepare a shopping list which contains pretty goods from different countries to make my shopping more efficiently, I call it “my dream”.

The story begins, my friends….have a tea…
I’ll divided my traveling into several parts, such as landscape, human, and events….

My Story in Europe Trip

It’s almost one month since I came Beijing back, how time flies! The Europe travel notes have to be born so late for the decoration of my clinics and the further study of dentist….. when talking about my trip in Europe with my friends, I’m still delighted on it. Maybe be moved, angry, or reluctant to leave ….because my trip is full of stories, which is unique.

With “Pucci Tosca”, let’s begin….

The opening: motivation and visa
I have a friend who is a German dentist. He was so nice that sent me a cool invitation of German trip in the hot August in Beijing, which led me get the idea to have a trip. For me, Germany is so far as well as so near for the friend. Whatever reasons for job or friendship or anything else, the invitation is so warm that my heart is full of hope.

Three days before the National Day, I made decided to have a German trip instantly, though I knew that it needs one month to apply…. However, my heart tell me,” I believe I can!”. The travel agents refuse me for several reasons such as free walker ,emergency, the strictest Embassy of Germany, and I’m single….. I’ve no experience and I prepared for only one day. I got the interview on the third day. Two days later, I got the visa! When I look back to it, no words could express my delighted mood thanks to the confidence of success and appreciation of the Embassy of Germany.

I was the last one to deliver my interview . Maybe it is the last customer before the National Day, my number was ignored. There were no other customers in the lobby and no officials call me, then I went to a female official with a little fear. She was astonished because all the work were finished. The lady was so polite to help me. After having read my information, she asked me a lot of questions, for example,what push you to Germany? How would you search the hotel? Although all the plan was on my paper, she asked me back and front for many times. At last, she examined and verified in English. When she got the information that I am the writer on the magazine of “That’s Beijing”, her attitude was transferred and her smile appeared…. I told her how am I looking for this country, especially the people in this country are so friendly! She told me to wait at home after paying the fees of visa….

This nice lady give me vigor that if you make efforts to purchase something, there is always someone who will bring good luck for you.

Of course, there are some advices: firstly, please don’t leave the embassy for your preparation is not perfect, or you would have no chance to come in. On that day , several guys left and on entrance again… Secondly, please bring your house contact even if it is not written on net. Thirdly, you had better to lift your personal things, such as my articles on the magazine , for visa is also pay attention to human’s feelings. Fourthly, please help others, when I had finished my interview, I helped a girl who need someone to give her a hand .

Further more, my trip is not only depend on the German visa for its days are only ten. My date was written clearly for the easiness to temporary job transfer. The French visa was received without difficults that I should express my gratitude to them. Because it is my first time to get visa for 100 days to stay foreign country, you know many people only got 30 days more or less, I think I am a lucky woman!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Today is my birthday

Maybe I’m a aged woman, I don’t wanna celebrate my birthday…. However, I’m willing to get warm from someone…
The rabbit on net, who thought he has the same birthday with me. In fact, that is my birthday of lunar calendar…
Yuele who always give me a lot of warm maybe prepare to celebrate my birthday?.... while, that day is my birthday of solar calendar…
For me, I just celebrate my birthday of lunar calendar…. The time is different every year….
Last time I’ve heard Abing’s invitation…CBD activity must be funny this week!.... If I tell youthat the day is my birthday accidently, what a surprise and a happy day!
Hash’s Joanna and me are congenial! Until last week, I know that we have the same birthday though different year….Her birthday is on American time, but if in China, it’s my birthday!... we are all so emotional…
Then, although it was raining…. There are almost more than thirty people in this party …..until late at night….
Why am I still thinking of somewhat? Because at this time every year, there’s always him who is romantic….I was used to be his honey, his baby, his love….
The change of love is dazzled, though I’m not very young….looks like a pretty girl… waiting for love…the true love….hurted…lonely…and also stick on….at this moment, what could I do?
One o’clock AM…my friend who is always giving warm to me put my keys away…. In fact, my car…slowly….romantic jazz….my heart is warm…
When I go home lonely, I said to God,” Though it’s not a long time since I came to beijng, I’ve already had a lot of friends…cause… and always come across someone brings good luck…
I must say sorry to you…. I should be content… nobody would accompany with me , which is my choice….this night, I must have a sound sleep! Goodnight!
Just on my bed, a man who is haven’t seen for a long time sent a message to me,” have you got sleep?”
We’ve enjoyed food taken late at night together… I don’t know whether he is accompany with me or not…. Is it planed by god? He is unfamiliar to me and about haven’t seen for several months… what I want is just not alone…..
Drink…chat….he said ,’ you are a girl…. I said I don’t like making love without love…
He wanna me guess his Animal Sign…dog! He was surprised!... god’s plan…. I know….’dog’ is suited me…though he is strange….
Dad …mom…brother…sister…cousins….love from them is so much… everyday, I would be on the net of CBD.
The soul home….however changed the times…. I would love it forever purely.
I may say little words…however, I can’t live without dancing and noises from CBD as well as the nutrition of mind….
I wanna do nothing important ….just sent pictures…and chating…
Words…music….missing my friends on net….enjoy my feelings together…. At this moment, I’m calm and happy….

Missing you…

I’ve not wrote words for a long time! I felt sorry for that to my friends’ attention and greeting…
I’d used to wanna chat with you untill I have free time and all the things goes well…
Siting down in front of my pretty table, I enjoyed Bandari’s music and the warm green tea… my friends, I miss you so much, welcome to my home and have a tea…
What do you do recently? How’s your mood? Do you find your honey? How about your job?
I’m ok. I’m enricher than before,. Like a student,. I would attend the dental classes as well as my job. In my free time, I wanna go shopping with several girls. Every time I go to shopping mall, I would purchase a lot of clothes thanks to the financial crisis which made expensive bags and clothes into cheaper ones. And I also read books, especially about life books. The new book cabinet into my new house can’t hold my all books…
I wanna invite you to accompany with me to enjoy DVD ….Don’t say I’m just talking….I came home irregularly, sometimes too late and I can’t let you at my home overnight….:) The classic film of France are already enjoyed and I also like the Geman film. I’ve bought the whole films of Wangjiawei…Thanks to these films, I practise my English and Guangdong Hua. For me , the language ability is very important for my job….Remind you, I became the writer of “That’s Beijing”. If you have time, read this magzine!
Do you have some interesting things?Last week, I came to golf course to have a talk with my friend and play golf. I was delighted! I’ve got 157! And not only once! The coach thought I was the old hand! Hehe, you know that it is similar to teeth extractiong! You just need to stare the ball, and then let it go straight!
Now I’m a little tired and wanna sleep…today I’ve got the whole day’s training, and I must go to work tomorrow….Tell you a secret that I’m doing one piece of great thing! Do you remember I wrote a blog named “my ideal dental clinic”? Nowadays , my dream became true!..Further more, I wanna make it better and better! I don’t want you disappointed of it, and I don’t want to be a big mouth!....make efforts more and more…latency…latency… Come on JOINWAY!
Tired, the music was played in my heart; tired, looked at the encouragements and greetings from you; tired, thought of the bright future!.....Missing you , my friends! Please don’t forget me!....If you have anything, tell me!
Sweet music, sweet….music….goodnight!

Mikael Tariverdiyev(Микаэл Таривердиев )--my favorite musician

"music is a part of my life as same as dawn,night,sea,sliding board,and my love."--Mikael Tariverdiyev
I was very happy to spend free time at home because I'd enjoyed the concert of Mikael Tariverdiyev in CCTV music channel yesterday.
I wanna write the feelings with you ,my friends.

At the beginning, I was attracted by the unique style of music, which led me stop to change channels. Then I falled in love with it, such as "buffoon, buffoon, where do you come from?",the music of film named "Ironiya sudby, ili S lyogkim parom" which include "I asked"and"nobody would come to my home",the music of film named "Adam married Eve" which include "I love you"and "reconnoitre",the music of film named "kingdeer" which include "my lovely knight", and the theme song of the film named "love presentiment". All the music is romantic, optimism,natural and clean.Some part of it is naughty,the other is tender.The rhythm is moving.

Аnton chekhov said" All the things of the human should be nice: appearance,clothes,eyes,heart and ideology." This discription is suited to Mikael Tariverdiyev,of course,and his music.
He make the poem into music, the soul of which flowed through the space. His creation and his life are very important.He payed more attention to the balance and wideth of the inner world and space, which is similar to his favorite photography such as viewed the field via telescope. His music has the tone which is attractive and changed with times more and more beautiful.
This is " the last romantic who is more dead than alive"

Let's enjoy 《I love you》.

The meaning:"I like you, but seldom to tell you.I'm tender,not for other's eyes,but for you. Without you,I would be silent as birds,the stars in the sky would lost its shining...."

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tooth Extraction (Part II)

Today we are going to keep talking about that very common and avoided dental procedure: Tooth Extraction.

As we mentioned on our previous post, Tooth Extraction is not a painful procedure and should be taken care very seriously. On our last post, I gave some general information that should be helpful for all of us. So today I’m sharing some other information that I’m sure you’ll find it very interesting and helpful.


1. Tooth extraction is relative opposite to other treatment. According to the skills of the dentist, many teeth can be repaired and regained to their function. Situations where it is necessary a tooth extraction.

a) When any other treatment can't be done due to an advanced condition of periodontal disease.

b) When the teeth can't be repaired due to severe dental caries. But if the teeth root and gums situation is good, it is also possible to use a dental crown or overdenture so it's not necessary a tooth extraction.

c) When it is not possible a root canal treatment or other root or gums treatments.

d) Dental trauma due to injuries or subgingival fracture or root fracture that can't be repaired. Bones fractures on the line of the tooth must be treated according to every patients situation, because sometimes it is possible to preserve the teeth.

e) Shifting or impacted teeth if they affect the function or appearance of the mouth, if they cause sickness or traumatism, are usually extracted.

f) Impacted tooth causing dental caries or pericoronitis to the adjacent tooth, are usually extracted.

g) Supernumerary tooth that are malpositioned or affecting the function or appearance of other teeth should be extracted.

(Other treatments that require tooth extraction: Ortodontics treatments that require reduction of the number of teeth; for a proper restauration of some teeth, sometimes it is necessary to extract neighboring teeth; before radiation treatments to avoid a complication of the situation of already sick teeth; teeth with benign tumors or cyst)

Detained milk teeth must be extracted, however, in the adult dentition of deciduous teeth, below the non-permanent or permanent impacted, such as deciduous and there is no loosening function, it is not necessary to remove the teeth.

Teeth suspected of having certain dental diseases should also be extracted. Infected teeth causing local diseases such as mandibular osteomyelitis, maxillary sinus lessions, etc, should be urgently brought under control and when the acute inflammation or infection is controled, then the dentist should proceed to the tooth extraction.

My Dream Dental Clinic (Part II)

This is the second part of my very interesting blog article about My Dream Dental Clinic

5. Prices:

Although it is very common to say "Good and Affordable", this concept is often difficult to achieve. Although most people spend a lot of money on beauty treatments and shopping, not too many people can afford SPA treatments and luxury shopping. So my prices although a little bit expensive should also be affordable. After all, in a year, patients should only come to the dentist one or two times, so most patients are willing to pay the bill.

Just like when buying any merchandise, consumers want to pay the real value of a product. So who wants to see the old expired dentist materials? Shouldn't dentists give their patients the same consumers rights than any other establishment? Many people are very used to the traditional consumption rules, so most of the time they do not dare to ask questions. However in the modern dental clinics like in Joinway Dental clinic, all patients have the right to a detailed description of the materials and products used by the doctors. They have the right also to check the quality certificates as well as the whole detailed production process of the products.

6. Environment details:

I would love to have some movie posters and pictures on the wall, as well as some kind of costumers guestbook, so I can feel like at home. I wouldn't like to many paintings but a few very peculiar ones. May be a pair of Impressionist paintings, and even a pair of landscape painting. They should have an elegant taste and give people a sense of power. If possible, I even hope that the artworks are valuable.

Next to the TV set there can be some scattered African pottery, or some lights emitting art works.

A brown fabric sofa in the waiting room, next to some design magazines displayed in a magazines rack, as well as some other high-end magazines. Small pictures frames with some pictures of real costumers as some kind of guestbook, to give patients a sense of trust.

7. Front desk:

The receptionist lady should have a sweet voice and professional manners to answer the phone and to answer the patients questions. They should be beautiful and dignified women. She should help patients to take out their coats and put them away, they should also take care of their personal valuables and place their belongings in the right places.

They should be quick and accurate when billing patients. They should protect the clients privacy and when patients don't have money enough to pay for the treatment, they should be patient and wait for the patients to use their bank cards. When patients have trouble finding the way to the clinic or out of the clinic, they should be helpful and indicate them the way.
8. Ambiance:

The correct placement of flowers is very important, forever beautiful and vibrant plants can make people happy. The fragrance of Lilies makes people realize that the owner has exquisite taste.

Even when family members have forgotten, it will be a very pleasant surprise for the patients to receive a Happy Birthday card from Joinway Dental clinic. During season holidays also send them a greetings card. During consultation time, the receptionist won't harass the patients but timely remind them of their appointments.

The receptionist should also prepare always some unique music for each patients nationality, age, time of the day, treatment stage... That way the patients will feel a warm feeling of preparation especially for them.

What else do I have to say? I just hope that you enjoy my dental services, you feel at home and in a friendly environment. And I hope that the patients can also join the clinic employees for their activities which won't only be dentist related parties.